AAGI Quarto Templates Extension

The AAGIQuarto Quarto theme extension provides official Analytics for the Australian Grains Industry (AAGI) project theming for Quarto documents.


quarto use template AAGI-AUS/AAGIQuarto

This will install the extension and create an example qmd file that you can use as a starting place for your article.


For each format, there is a template file available. See:

Report Formats

Presentation Formats


For documentation on using reveal.js slides in Quarto, please see, https://quarto.org/docs/presentations/revealjs/.

To use the formatted output, save your qmd file into the extension folder that you created using the command above. Then, in the output format use:

  • aagi-docx+report, for MS Word output
  • aagi-docx+short+report, for a short MS Word output
  • aagi-pptx, for MS PPT output
  • aagi-revealjs, for a revealjs presentation
  • aagi-pdf+report, for a full length PDF report
  • aagi-pdf+short+report, for a short PDF report


As we continue to improve this extension through bug fixes or adding new functionality, you can update it easily like so:

cd your_quarto_project_folder
quarto update AAGI-AUS/AAGIQuarto


Thanks to @coatless for his assistance in setting up this Quarto extension.